Theater Play – Ricardo III

Sound Design, Score



“A Tragédia do Rei Ricardo III” was a theater play in which I was involved as a Sound designer, composer and live operator.

The play, by William Shakespeare, was directed by Pedro Galiza and Inês S. Pereira and produced by Núcleo de Expressão Dramática d’A Filantrópica, at Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.

Process and Goals

The music of the play was very dark and sinister, to convey the feel and spirit of the character Richard III, across the different acts of the play.

To compose the soundtrack, I recorded many sounds, some from instruments played in “unusual ways”, in order to create atmospheric textures. These textures would then be bent, with changes in pitch, some reversed and other with a couple of delays on top for a dronish feel.

Final Product and Teaser Video

Listen to the main theme or Ricardo III:

The trailer of the theater play:

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